Jefferson Township Recreational Cheerleading Association By – Laws


Created: July 2, 2007

Effective: July 2, 2007

Review: every two years in the month of February/March

Last Review: January 10, 2023

Approved by: Executive Board



Article I – Name


The name of the organization is Jefferson Township Recreational Cheerleading Association (herein referred to as JTRCA).

Any and all by-laws, policies and/or procedure are hereby expired as of January 10, 2023 and replace with the following effective January 11, 2023.



Article II – Charter


Purposes of JTRCA are to:

  • Promote social and physical development of the cheerleaders.
  • Assist in development of cheerleaders.
  • Show good sportsmanship.
  • Provide assistance in cheering events.
  • Engage in fundraising for cheering.
  • Provide opportunities for previous participants in JTRCA as high school students to learn leadership skills as coaches.



Article III – Organization Definitions and Responsibilities



  • Members are parents or legal guardians of a JTRCA cheerleader or other interested persons age 18 or above.
  • Members must be a resident of Jefferson Township.
  • A voting member must be on the executive board and have a child active in JTRCA and currently attending Grades K through 12.
  • An active member is a parent/legal guardian of a cheerleader registered and participating in the program for the current season with all monies current and the cheerleader has not reached or exceeded allowable absences.




General meetings will be held throughout the year at any available public meeting room. General meetings will be open to the public. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board as needed. 



Executive Board

Executive Board of JTRCA is responsible for management of the association.

A voted Executive Board member may serve in one position for as long as their child is active in the program. A board member may stay a board member for one (1) year after child has exited the program or past the term limits as a board member to transition new board members and this position will be non-voting. Executive board members may be any member with a child in the program in grades K-8. President or Vice-President must be present in order to hold meetings.



President: Shall preside over meetings

Liaison between JTRCA and the Township Recreation Director

Oversee scholarship foundation

Appoint committee members as needed for select activities

Accessory & uniform ordering

Prepare binders for advisors



Vice President: (VP-Field and VP-Competition will split responsibilities)

Shall fill duties of President in President’s absence

Coordination of Pep Rally Committee

Ordering uniforms/t-shirts

Booking banquet

Liaison for stunt clinic & indoor practice locations

Coordination of tryouts *If competition team is active

Assemble and maintain first aid kits

Year-end recognition ceremony

Orchestrate all fundraising activities.

Collect all money from fundraisers.



Recording Secretary/Corresponding Secretary:

Record the minutes of the meetings

Publicity on social media                              

Licensing and permits

Conduct all elections                                     




Maintain rosters/spreadsheets                                  

Pep Rally Booster Coordination

Maintain Website to be current

Booster book coordination




Maintain any accounts from the JTRCA

Accounts Receivable/Accounts Payable

Monthly reconciliation with bank statement

Update insurance annually

File with the IRS to maintain tax exempt status

Pay monthly storage unit fees & annual P.O. Box fee

Check P. O. Box regularly




Executive Board Voting:  All executive board members positions are voting. A quorum of 4 members must be present for a vote at any regular or special meeting for anything other than a BY-LAW change. 

Any changes in the Constitution or By-Laws require a quorum of 4 members to make a BY-LAW change. All Executive Board members shall have one vote each and shall be counted toward the quorum. The changes must be presented at 2 (two) consecutive regular meetings.

Board members must be present to vote. In the event of a tie, the President will vote to break the tie.


One person shall NOT hold more than one voting position on the JTRCA Executive Board.



Advisors: Each squad shall consist of two advisors, high school/college age coaches (this will be based on volunteer turn out). Advisor positions will be assigned by the board once registration closes. All advisors must take or have taken both the RUTGERS Safety Course, and the Child Abuse Awareness Seminar and CPR certified. Documentation must be submitted to the Executive Board. Advisors’ attendance is mandatory for all general meetings.  Advisors missing 2 consecutive meetings may result in replacement of that advisor position to be determined by board review.


Coaches: Assignments for this position will be based on prior year’s assignments first and then where needed. Coaches are expected to respect and cooperate with board member, squad advisors and cheerleaders.


Vacancy: In the event a board position becomes vacant, a replacement will be appointed by the JTRCA board and shall hold office until the end of the current season. Eligible members must have 1 year prior affiliation with JTRCA.



Article IV – Voting for Executive Board


Nomination: Executive Board members shall be nominated in October/November to begin in January to fill position which will become vacant via fulfillment of term limits or vacancy. Nominations will be taken from members only and confirmation of nomination acceptance will be confirmed by the current Board Secretary.


Voting: Will be silent and conducted annually at the first general meeting of the year. Board positions will be determined by majority vote of those present at the meeting. In the event of a tie, the current Executive Board President will vote to break the tie. The new board will take their positions immediately.


President is required to have a minimum of two years prior experience on the JTRCA Executive Board


Vice President is required to have a minimum of one year prior experience on the JTRCA Executive Board


Treasurer/JTRCA Secretary/Competition Secretary/ Webmaster/ Fundraising Coordinator must have one year prior experience within the JTRCA program such as squad advisor.



Article V – Competition squad try out *If Competition Team is active


Tryouts: Tryouts will be held each year during the spring and will consist of performing designated skills in front of a panel of independent judges. The tryout will be held in a fair and open manner conducive to allowing each cheerleader to show his/her best abilities and potential.


  • A mini-camp must be held no more than one week prior to tryouts. All participants must have a signed liability release and permission slip before they can participate in the mini-clinic. This document must be returned to the JTRCA Executive Board Secretary.
  • All score sheets will be supervised and validated by the JTRCA Executive Board. Score sheets will not be made public. A parent/guardian may request to see their child’s individual score sheet. This will be provided upon request.
  • A mandatory parents’ meeting will be held prior to mini-camp.
  • All participants must register prior to mini-camp and tryouts.
  • Tryouts and mini-camp must be publicized in the local newspaper and through the Jefferson Township school system.
  • There will be no second tryouts.
  • Any child registering after tryouts will be allowed to do so and will be placed on a non-competition squad. Registration deadline is June 1st of the current year.
  • An early tryout will be handled on an individual basis as the situation may arise. All efforts will be made to provide such tryout and be as fair as possible.
  • Judging will be consistent through tryouts.
  • Judges should be at least two independent certified persons at all tryouts.


Tryouts for Pre-Comp-2nd through 4th grade cheerleaders: *

  • Each cheerleader will perform the cheer, which was taught at mini-camp, individually to the panel of judges and then in a group of two (2).
  • If a 4th grader achieves a varsity ranking score they will be given the opportunity to be on the Varsity Comp Squad.
  • Tryouts for 5th through 8th grade cheerleaders: *
  • Each cheerleader will perform the cheer and dance, which was taught at mini-camp, individually to the panel of judges and then in a group of two (2).



Article VI – Squads membership


In order to participate in JTRCA, the child must reside within the township boundaries or be registered as a student in the Jefferson Township school system as of September of the registration year.


Flag Blue – going into K or 1st grade as of September of the registration year

Flag Gold – going into 2nd grade as of September of the registration year

Pre-Clinic – going into 3rd grade as of September of the registration year

Clinic – going into 4th grade as of September of the registration year

Super PeeWee – going into 5th grade as of September of the registration year

PeeWee – going into 6th grade as of September of the registration year

JV – going into 7th grade as of September of the registration year

Varsity – going into 8th grade as of September of the registration year


  • JTRCA offers both a competition squad (based on interest) and a recreational squad. Recreational squads will cheer for football games as requested by the Football Association and assigned by the Executive Board.
  • All squads must follow all rules in the JTRCA By-Laws.
  • A child becomes a cheerleader when all registrations and fees are turned in and approved (all registration fees are non-refundable).



Squad Limits

*If Competition Team is active The competition squad (all levels) will have membership total not to exceed 30 cheerleaders per squad and membership will be based on personal tryout scores.


There are no squad membership limitations for the non-competitive field squads.


Quitting/Dismissal Mid-Season

If a cheerleader quits, or is asked to step down, because of failure to adhere to absentee guidelines, or a character counts incident, the individual cannot participate in recreational cheerleading for Jefferson Township for the remaining season and the following cheer season. Circumstances surrounding a cheerleader no longer participating on a squad will be reviewed by the Executive Board and decisions will be made as board members see fit.



Article VII – Attendance


Attendance Policy:

  • All Field Squad practices, games, picture day and pep rally are mandatory.
  • Field Squad cheerleaders will be excused for family emergencies, religious obligations, or illness only. Either a written statement, from the cheerleader’s parent, or a doctor’s note for an illness must be submitted to the JTRCA Executive Board. Cheerleader’s squad advisor MUST be notified of the impending absence as soon as they are aware of the situation.
  • Parents are required to stay during questionable weather.
  • Competition Squad cheerleaders will be allowed 2 absences from summer practices, with prior approval of the Executive Board, and notification to the squad advisor. *
  • There will be no excused absences for competition squads after September 1st through the end of the competition season. *



Article VIII – Scholarship Award Distribution Guidelines


Following receipt and acceptance of the completed applications and all interviews have been conducted by the JTRCA Scholarship Committee, applicants chosen by the committee to be granted scholarship money will receive proceeds under the following terms and conditions:

  • Scholarship checks will be made out to the student.
  • Checks will be distributed in August providing June graduation requirements have been fulfilled.
  • Scholarship checks will be issued and payable to the student upon receipt of a copy of acceptance and attendance to secondary school.
  • Chosen recipients will be notified by Jefferson Township High School administration.
  • Presentation of the scholarship certificate will be at the Senior Awards Reception.


It is understood by the applicant and parent/guardian that JTRCA reserves the rights to issue press releases and/or other means of general publicity, including photography. Only general information will be used, which may include, but not limited to name, award amounts and attending school.




It is mandatory for each cheerleader to participate in any fundraising activity organized by JTRCA or they are responsible for the buyout option. Monies received from fundraising will be deposited into an interest-bearing bank account and will not be used for any other purpose. The minimum balance will not fall below $3000.00. If it should, a separate fundraiser must be held to replenish the funds.



Article IX – Grievance Policy


In order to alleviate problems and misunderstandings, the following steps will be required to express concerns and/or issues:

1.   The cheerleader and parent will meet the responsible advisor to discuss the situation. Please stick to the facts and present the situation clearly and in a non-accusing way. 

2.   If you are unable to resolve the issue(s) with your advisor – The cheerleader and parent will meet with the entire governing board to discuss the situation. The advisor(s) must be in attendance at the meeting. Please stick to the facts and present the situation clearly and in a non-accusing way. Issues which cannot be resolved at the board level will be brought to the Director of Jefferson Township Recreation.


Every effort will be made to work through problems and issues at the advisor level.


Parents ARE NOT permitted to address any issue or concern with a coach. Discretion is critical. Problems will be handled on an INDIVIDUAL basis by the JTRCA Executive Board.



Article X – Financial Responsibility


  • Each cheerleader will be required to purchase certain items of clothing. A list will be provided by the JTRCA Executive Board and/or squad advisor.
  • The parent or guardian will be responsible for all transportation costs to game and competitions.
  • The parent or guardian will be responsible for any cost incurred for additional gymnastic/tumbling or stunting classes required by the board.
  • Cheerleader will provide their own refreshments/food.
  • All registration fees and fundraising fees must be current before a cheerleader is permitted to participate.
  • Competition costs will be provided by JTRCA. *
  • Each cheerleader is financially responsible for the loss, damage, repair and/or replacement of the uniform.



Article XI – Uniforms/Dress Code


  • Uniforms provided by JTRCA will consist of one vest and one skirt. There will be NO ALTERATIONS to the uniform. Uniforms are property of JTRCA. All uniforms must be washed in COLD WATER and should be hung dry (no dryer). DO NOT dry clean the uniform.
  • Uniforms are to be worn only at games, annual pep rally, picture day, and competitions.
  • Uniforms must be neat and clean at all times.
  • Uniforms will be returned at the end of the year.
  • Shoes will be uniform among squad members for games and competitions as directed by advisors.
  • No jewelry will be worn for practice, games or competitions.
  • No makeup will be worn for practice, games or competitions.
  • Nails must be trimmed and fingernail length.
  • Cheerleaders must have hair neat and pulled back for all cheer practices/games.
  • Practice uniform will consist of gym shorts (no denim) and t-shirts (no tank tops/camis).



Article XII – Injuries/Insurance/Protocol


All injuries will be recorded and reported by the squad advisor to the board. In the event of an injury, the cheerleader must follow their primary insurance policy guidelines.


In the event of an injury, the closest certified advisor will immediately attend to the injured cheerleader. The other advisor and coaches will move the remainder of the squad to an area away from the incident.


If the tending advisor deems it necessary that emergency services are required, the alternate advisor will make the phone call and provide all relative information to emergency services. The advisor will also make contact with the parent or guardian providing any and all details as they are known at the time. A coach will alert the nearest board member of the injury.



Article XIII – Cheerleaders’ Responsibilities


  • Each cheerleader agrees to make cheerleading their number one activity during the season, which is from August 1st through November 30th.
  • Cheerleaders are expected to respect and cooperate with team advisors and coaches.
  • Cheerleaders will exhibit good sportsmanship at all times.
  • It will be the responsibility of the cheerleader to learn all cheers and dance routines to the best of their ability.
  • Cheerleaders will not chew gum at any practice or game.
  • Cheerleaders will exhibit good manners and conduct at all JTRCA functions, including practices, games and competitions.
  • Cheer camp is mandatory for all squads.



Article XIV – Game Procedures


  • Cheerleaders must arrive 30 minutes prior, or as seen fit by squad advisors, to the game and must remain along the sidelines, performing cheers and chants throughout the entire football game.
  • At halftime, the visiting squad will perform at center field first and then the home squad.
  • When home, squad advisor will greet opposing cheer advisor to make them familiar with our field procedures.
  • Following each game, the cheerleaders should line up to congratulate the opposing team on the good game, win or lose.
  • Cheerleaders will be released by the advisors and should not leave before that time.
  • A parent must be present at all away games for the entirety of game.



Article XV – Practice Procedures


  • All practices must be attended by and supervised by an advisor, at least 21 years of age and RUTGERS Sports Clinic certified.
  • Practice officially starts July/August.
  • Boyfriends, girlfriends and younger siblings will not be able to attend practice. Parents are not required to stay for practice.
  • Parents will accompany their cheerleader to and from the practice area.



Upon dissolution all funds of the JTRCA will be paid over to the Jefferson Township Recreation Department.



*All competition articles stated in by-laws will be in effect if a competition squad is active and based on cheerleader interest and a volunteer to oversee the competition squad.

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