New To Crossbar

1)  LOG IN (AND SIGN UP): Use Log in to log into the website. Use Sign Up to create an account. All parents who wish to receive team emails must sign up for an account. 

2)  DASHBOARD: This link is available once signed into your club’s Crossbar account. 

      a)  PLAYERS: This tab lists all players & team staff registered by this email account. Click on the “View Details” to see the details for each player. The View Details display has three items parents may find useful:

            i)  Edit Player: This allows the parent to fix spelling errors of the player’s name and update their birth date if was entered incorrectly. NOTE these changes ONLY affect the player on the Club website.

             ii)  Add Parent: This feature allows the registering parent to add another parent’s email address to the player’s record. Note the parent being added will have to verify their email address when they get the email and setup an account (if they have not already set one up).

       b)   PROFILE: This tab allows the parents to update their account by updating their name (fix typos etc), phone #, email address and password. 

Confirm Delete
Click the delete icon again to confirm. Click escape to cancel.