Character Counts - Parents & Athletes


The Jefferson Township Recreation Department supports the CHARACTER COUNTS program as part of our program.

Rules of Conduct



1. Be completely honest. Tell the whole truth. Do not be sneaky.

2. Do not do anything you think is wrong. Stand up for your beliefs. Show commitment and courage. Keep promises.

3. Do the right thing even when the cost is high.


1. Treat opponents, teammates, referees and others with respect and courtesy. Do not use insults, negative cheers or name-calling.

2. Do not use violence to settle disputes. Do not hit, shove or threaten to hurt anyone.


1. Think before you act. Think about consequences, how your actions today can affect you and others in the future.

2. Take responsibility for the consequences of your choices. Do not blame others for what you did or take credit that doesn't belong to you.

3. Always control yourself. Do not lose your temper. Do not throw things, scream, hit others or use bad language.


1. Play fair and with honor. Play by the rules. Never cheat.

2. Give everyone a fair chance. Help your team and community.

3. Adhere to both the letter and spirit of the rules.


1. Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

2. Never intentionally injure any player or engage in reckless behavior.


1. Obey laws and rules. Remember it is unfair for some people to play by the rules while others do not.

2. Listen to your coaches, referees and your parents. Respect authority.



1. Promote integrity by being honest, fair and respectful of others.

2. Keep commitments. Notify coach if the athlete is not available.


1. Let the coaches coach, the referees ref and the players play. Do not challenge the calls of a referee during or after a game.

2. Do not publicly criticize or demean players, coaches or officials.

3. Never verbally or physically abuse players, coaches or officials.


1. Always exercise and demand self-control. Do not lose your temper.

2. Learn the official rules of the sport in which your child participates.

3. Provide a sports environment that is free of drugs, tobacco and alcohol.

4. Use the sporting experience as a means to protect and develop the moral, mental and physical health of athletes.


1. Teach and model the importance of playing honorably.

2. Support an "everyone plays" philosophy, when appropriate.

3. Insist that your child adhere to both the letter and spirit of the rules.


1. Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

2. Discourage selfishness. Be generous with praise.

3. Care more about the development and overall well being of the athletes then winning.


1. Teach and model the importance of obeying laws and rules as an obligation of citizenship.

The following procedures will be followed when someone has been involved in a violation of CHARACTER COUNTS guidelines:

1. Infraction shall be reported to the President of JTRCA. Everyone involved will be asked to fill out a CHARACTER COUNTS incident report within 4 days. (Supplied by Advisor, JTRCA President and/or the Recreation Department.)

2. The Director of Recreation (Grace Rhinesmith) will coordinate a meeting with the JTRCA President and the Recreation Advisory Board to discuss and settle the violation based on the CHARACTER COUNTS guidelines.

3. All parties will be notified of the outcome.

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