Uniform Care

Instruction for Uniform Care

PLEASE take the time to read thru this information carefully. These uniforms are very costly and are replaced every 7 – 10 years. Please do your best to keep then looking new.


  • Hand wash in cool water after every game
  • Hang dry
  • Ironing is not necessary
  • Do NOT remove tags or write on tags of the uniform
  • Absolutely no alterations are to be made to the uniforms. You may move the button on the skirt to loosen or tighten it. You may not shorten the skirt or shell.

8th GRADE: Jerseys are to be hand washed as well. Cool water. DO NOT PUT IN WASHER or DRYER!!!!

The lettering can come off, color can fade on lettering, if dried the shape can become distorted!

You will be permitted to wear your Jerseys on the school day before your games. These Jerseys belong to you, but please remember they are your uniform until the last game. They cannot be replaced if lost, stolen, or ruined.


Uniform is NOT to be worn anywhere but to Pictures, Games, and Pep Rally. It is not to be used as a Halloween costume or for any other dress up occasion. 


Absolutely no eating or drinking colored food or liquid in the uniform. You may have water only. Plain

pretzels, plain bagels (no butter or cream cheese). Lollipops, sticky candy, gummy snacks, donuts, munchkins, hot chocolate, coffee drinks should NEVER be consumed while in uniform.


If your daughter needs to have a snack, please pack her camp T-shirt or warm-up jacket for all games. She may put this on to eat her dry snack after the half time performance.


Please hold onto the Ziploc bag that the uniform was given to you in, you will be asked to return your uniform in the marked Ziploc bag at the end of the season. We will remind you of this at that time. The Board will set a date they will need to be returned by at the end of the season.


All uniforms will be inspected upon return. If there are any rips, alterations, stains, spots, bleach marks, or a lost shell or skirt, your deposit check will be cashed. All uniforms are the property of Jefferson Township Recreation Cheer Association. 


We thank you all for your help to keep our uniforms in great condition. If at any time in the season you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to jtrcacheer@gmail.com.


We are looking forward to a great season. Go Falcons!


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