Guidelines for Advising JTRCA

As an Advisor you are representing JTRCA

  • We expect you to conduct yourself in a manner that adheres to these pillars of character at all events practices and games.
  • You are required to complete the RUTGERS Safety course, the Child Abuse Awareness for Youth Serving Organizations Course, and CPR training to advise in Jefferson Recreation Program.
  • You are overseeing your squad and your coaches – expect and encourage good behavior.
  • All advisors from your squad must attend the monthly meetings to be sure your squad is informed of all JTRCA news.
  • If this is not possible, at least one Advisor from each squad MUST attend the General Monthly Meeting.


  • Introduce yourself. Send your coaches a group message. The more contact you have with your coaches they better your relationship will be and there will be with your squad.
  • Contact and inform your Coaches via text, facebook, email (insist on a reply).
  • Give them a timeline for completion of the Music, Cheer and Dance for your halftime performance.
  • If your coaches are under the age of 18. Ask for a parent’s cell phone as well to ensure they have the information.
  • Send them the schedule ASAP - (We will have the football schedule by the end of August).
  • Send them a reminder of the game, time and location.
  • Ask for verification weekly, that they will be at your game.
  • Contact them for EVERY CHANGE in schedule as soon as you become aware of it.
  • Keep them on track. You can guide them and encourage them. Think of ways to keep your squad engaged. Don’t allow down time at practices or games except for 1 or 2 breaks a half.
  • They can break up time during the 2 practice weeks be teaching them sidelines.
  • Verify your coaches have a ride to and from games. If there is an issue, you may offer to drive or ask another parent, to ensure you will have coaches at your games.


  • Ask them to put their cell phones away during practices and games’.
  • Be aware of how the coaches are behaving and interacting with the cheerleaders.
  • We will not tolerate bad language or dis-respectfulness from coaches to anyone.
  • Neither will we tolerate the same behavior from the advisors towards the coaches.
  • Always face the football game so they can see if a player is coming at or near them.
  • No stunting on the sidelines while ball is in play on our side of the field.

Stunting is only permitted when advisors or coaches are present


You are responsible for the cheerleaders and coaches on your squad


You have the last word for stunts and routines




Remember our coaches are children and are not trained to be able to deal with situations that may arise within your squad. They are creating and executing your music and choreography. They will take ownership of your squad. You should support and rally behind them. But YOU are ultimately the person in charge of the kids on your squad and your coaches.


  • You are RESPONSIBLE for your squad.
  • You may not leave a JTRCA event, practice or game before every child is in the custody of the person responsible for their ride home, including coaches.
  • Find out who that person is before the parent leaves when the child is dropped off.
  • You may get involved in practice.
  • Learn the cheer, do sidelines, help spot for stunts.
  • You may not be on your cell phone on the sidelines or at practice.
  • Help your coaches keep them on track so they are utilizing your time.
  • You must pay attention at practice and games. Be aware of what the kids are doing.
  • The kids are expected to behave and conduct themselves using the guidelines for the pillars of character at all times.
  • The cheerleaders are not permitted to leave the field during games except to use the restroom in pairs or with a parent. You do not leave your squad to take them to the restroom unless there is another advisor to stay with them.



  • Correspond with our parents via text and email. Keep them informed.
  • Enter all your cheerleaders’ parent’s contact information in your phone.
  • Please get in writing or via email or text if a child will be picked up by another parent.
  • Send out a weekly email, text, or private facebook page to remind them where the games will be.
  • Give them directions and a reminder of the time you want them to meet.
  • Please always notify parents of uniform requirements prior to game day.
  • i.e. bodysuit/crop top or no bodysuit, pants/legging or no pants/leggings.
  • If it is cold the cheerleaders may wear their jacket and/or sweatshirt.
  • Parents are expected to conduct themselves using the guidelines for the pillars of character at all times.
  • If you have a problem with coaches or parents behavior, please inform the Board IMMEDIATELY. We will take care of the issue together.


  • Parents should stay if there is a chance of rain. The Board will make a call if it is a wash out prior to game starting. If rain starts during the game use your discretion as to continue or cancel practice or game. Please notify a board member if you leave a game early for any reason.
  • If we cancel during a game parents must be there to take the cheerleaders home.
  • No stunting or tumbling in the rain.
  • We must wait 20 minutes after EVERY thunder boom or lighting sighting to resume practice or cheering.
  • Ask for the Football Team Mom’s contact info, so you can get all game info ASAP out to your parents for – game location or time changes or cancellations.

Guideline for Games

For elementary school age children we strongly suggest a parent remains at all games. Please make sure to note this in your first email correspondence to your parents.

  • You may ask to girls to come 30 minutes before game time to practice.
  • It cannot count against them if you ask them to be there 45 to 60 minutes prior to game time and someone cannot be there at that time.
  • Sometimes you will need to get involved to keep the sidelines moving and to keep the kids from getting distracted.
  • Step up and ask your coaches to keep them on track.
  • Play a game or do a circle cheer.
  • You can shout out a child’s name to call a cheer.
  • Or organize them to call cheers in a line. This will keep them engaged and actively participating.

All Games

  • All cheerleaders MUST cheer facing the game. This is a safety issue.
  • Unless there is a fence between the football game and cheerleaders.
  • In which case you may choose to cheer half the game to the football players and half the games to your fans
  • Pay attention to parent and fan behavior. If anyone is acting or speaking inappropriately in any way it needs to be addressed immediately.
  • You must ask them to stop.
  • Depending on what the behavior is they may be asked to leave the game
  • Please make sure the Board is aware of any misconduct. We need to know who it is, what they did and/or said.

We can’t address this without full disclosure and information.

Home Games

  • Go to the opposing team sidelines and introduce yourself to the advisors and coaches. (the coaches can do this)
  • Ask how they want to play their music. A representative from their squad may accompany you into the press box if they need to use the PA system.
  • Ask if they would like to perform to their side or ours and invite them to perform first
  • Your squad must sit quietly and respectfully and watch the other squad perform their half time routine. All together, do “WE ARE PROUD OF YOU” cheer following their performance.
  • You may bring pretzels, dry bagels and water to your games for your squad but you are not obligated to do so.


  • The opposing Advisor or coach should come over to you and introduce themselves and ask about your music and which side you would like to perform to.


IF no one comes over before the end of the first quarter go over and introduce yourself.

IF the opposing team asks you to perform to their home team fans

Explain to your parents that the other team would like you to perform to their home fans and they can walk over to that side to watch the performance.


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